
Contact us to inquire about the services we offer

Knife Sharpening

Do you have some old knives that no longer cut like they used to? Do you need a tune up on that favorite knife of yours? We are here to help with affordable knife sharpening services to get your knives cutting better than when they were new.

Knife Restoration

Do you have an old knife that has seen better days? We'll be glad to breath some new life into it with our restoration services. Our goal with restorations is always to maintain the character of the knife, while giving it some freshness.

Leather Sheaths

Leather is a material that has been used by man since the dawn of time, and for good reason. Leather offers excellent, style, comfort and durability and makes very excellent sheaths. Many of our knives are available with wet molded leather sheaths, and we can even put one together for your for a knife you may already own.

Kydex Sheaths

Kydex is a heat moldable thermoplastic that is very popular for making holsters and sheaths. Kydex offers an attractive and lightweight material for sheaths. One of the biggest advantages of kydex is the retention aspect that kydex offers without the need for a strap.